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Lalala. Darky's charries.

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Lalala. Darky's charries. Empty Lalala. Darky's charries.

Post  Darkblue248 Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:35 pm

Name:Kyler Moore
His/her's descrition(how they look):She has blonde, electric blue eyes, shes '5,5", and is skinny.
God Parent:Zeus
Mortal Parent:Kylie Moore
Country of Origin:USA
Pets:a small 3 inch tall dragon named Tristan (itsa guy dragon) its electric blue with yellow lightning bolts on his back. (a gift from her father....that i shall make her father come give her blah blah blah.)
Talents:Sword fighting, sports, swimming, hand to hand combat.
Skills:rock climbing, flying xD
Weapon**:A CB sword named stormbringer. she aslo has a dagger that looks like this Lalala. Darky's charries. SMALL-ZEUS-LIGHTNING-BOLT-SWORD-9116
Flaws:Is hard headed (stubborn). Thinks she should always be in charge, is deathly afraid of drowning, gets angry easily.
Powers:She can fly by making the air around her push her up and to the sides. She can make storm's (tornados, rain storms, thunder storms, lightninght storms etc.) 20 times a day for 15 minutes. She can use the air around her to travel to other places, 30 times a day. She can use the air to make gusts of wind and such, 31 times a day. She has to rest 10 in after everytime she does any one of these powers.
Life Before CHB*: She lived with her mother who told her she was a half-blood from the start. This made her arua grow strong instantly. The monsters followed them where ever the moved. Finally they settled down in newyork, just down the street from the empire state buliding. Her mother told her it was time to go to camp so she went to camp.
RP Example*: I walk into our apartment. "Mom i'm home!" i call out. I don't hear a reply. I frown and pull out my dagger. I inch forward quietly. I press myself against the wall and peek around the corner of the kitchen wall. I see nothing. All of a sudden the front door opens. I run up there and stab who ever it was. I frown as my dagger passes right through the person. "Kyler.....
my mom said in a tne that said 'why did you just stab my with your dagger...' "Uhhhh. I thought you were a monster...." i admit. "No." she said with a laugh. "No traffic was horrible sorry i was late" she says and kisses my forehead. "Now put your dagger up" she says. I sigh and put it up.
Any notes about your characters:lalalala. huh? oh. her bright blue hoodie turns into a breastplate.


Posts : 139
Drachma : 2147483647
Join date : 2010-07-24

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Lalala. Darky's charries. Empty Re: Lalala. Darky's charries.

Post  Darkblue248 Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:44 pm

Name:Ryan Micheal Penix
His/her physical description(how they look):Short (really close to his head short) black hair, brown eyes, skinny but hes strong and athletic, '5,11".
God Parent:Nyx
Mortal Parent:Trisha Penix
Country of Origin:USA
Talents:Push ups, fixing things, Track, football.
Skills:Being strong, sports, fighting, hand to hand combat.
Weapon**:A sygian iron sword called Chaotic, that turns from a sword to his military berets (those hats they wear on there heads)
Flaws:Gets angry easily, hates it when people think hes weak just because hes skinny, gets angry when people call him a man who** because he has a son. Doesn't sleep much.
Powers:He can control darkness and shadows. He can melt into shadows (invisible in them) he can see perfecrtly in the dark, he can shadow-travel. He can create things out of darkness and shadows. Hes stronger and faster at night. He has no limit to his powers.
Life Before CHB*: Ryan never knew his father but he lived with his mother and his adopted dad. They lived in oklahoma until his mom and his adopted dad got a devorce and they went to Colorado to live with their aunt for a bit. One day his adopted dad came to pick them up so they could live with him, but Ryan didn't want to go. Ryan had always wanted to be in the air force and oklahoma didn't have an air forcebase, but Colorado did. So he stayed with his aunt. He skipped grades because he was smart and graduated highschool when he was 16. He went and got his parents consent so he could join the military when he was still 16. Before he got sent off to basic training he learned his girlfriend was pregnat. He got sent of to basic training then to romania, bulgaria, and iraq, when he got back his son (Tristan) was 2 years old.
RP Example*:I press myself against the truck. I peer around the corner. I hear gun shots being fired. I press down on the trigger sending out a spray of bullets. I hop into the back of the car and get on the machine gun. I start firing rapidly at the enmy.
Any notes about your characters:he has a 2 year old son named tristan.


Posts : 139
Drachma : 2147483647
Join date : 2010-07-24

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Lalala. Darky's charries. Empty Re: Lalala. Darky's charries.

Post  Darkblue248 Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:29 pm

Name:Vladimir Tod
His/her physical description(how they look):lala. Pale skin, black hair. Blue eyes, that flash purple when he touches a gylph (dun ask..) '5,9". he looks like this basicly: Lalala. Darky's charries. Vladimir_Tod_by_fragmented___
God Parent:Gaea
Mortal Parent:Thomas Tod (dead)
Country of Origin:USA
Talents:Track, is kinda good ish at sports, good at sword fighting.
Skills:Playing video games, hes like because of his vampire-ness.
Weapon**:A CB sword that appears when he needs it. He has a sheild that turns into a vampire slayers coin. His hoodie turns into a chestplate.
Flaws:Has trouble controling his anger, hates it when people think hes a monster because hes a vampire, doesn't like it when people ask about his dad.
Powers:He can control earth. He can travel anywhere as long as hes touching the ground.
Life Before CHB*:Lalala. Read the vladimir tod books to know about his life.
RP Example*: I punched the ground sending out giant ripples of earth.
Any notes about your characters:hes half-vampire. so. yeah. he doesn't eat most human food. he just drink's blood. and he doesn't sparkle in the sun. He gets burned to ash if he goes out in the sunlight with out sunblock on. and he can never get a tan D:


Posts : 139
Drachma : 2147483647
Join date : 2010-07-24

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Lalala. Darky's charries. Empty Re: Lalala. Darky's charries.

Post  Darkblue248 Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:41 pm

Name:Skylar Shay
His/her physical description(how they look):Black hair, tan skin, skinny, red eyes, '5,7"
God Parent:Set (or seth blah blah blah)
Mortal Parent:Sofie Shay
Country of Origin:Egypt
Pets:A king cobra (venumos) named seth xD
Talents:Being evil, causing chaos, track.
Skills:sword fighting, hand to hand combat, most all sports.
Weapon**:A CB sword called chaotic, it changes from a sword to a scepter that looks like this Lalala. Darky's charries. Was_Scepter
Flaws:is very mean sometimes, gets angry easily, can be extremey shy though. she hates it when greeks think their better then egyptians.
Powers:Can create sand storms 10-11 times a day for 5 minutes. She can shoot lightning out of her sword/staff 10 times a day, the lightning is only strong enough to parlize a person for 30 seconds. She can make it rain random objects. She can make it rain big objects 15 times a day for 8-9 minutes and and small objects, 30 times a day for 10 minutes. She gets stronger when shes touching sand.
Life Before CHB*: She lived on the streets, not knowing her mother or father. She was wondering through the dessert one day when she found her pet snake. She found a weird temple to the god Set. She lived there until she felt a strange need to go to the U.S. She went to the U.S and found camp.
RP Example*:I walk through the dessert feeling extremly full of energy. Weird. Wern't people supposed to be tired in the dessert? Eh. Oh well. I pat seth on the head and keep walking. I look around and see a temple. Hmmm. Was that there before? I dunno. I walk over to it and read the hyroglyphs on the side. Set. Weird how i just knew what that said....Hmmm. I walk inside the temple.
Any notes about your characters:


Posts : 139
Drachma : 2147483647
Join date : 2010-07-24

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